Note to competitors and viewers: Some image file formats originally submitted were too large to correctly display on this website. In addition, no PDF files have been included due to site limitations.
Now that the competition has been judged and is complete, the following images are presented with the goal of facilitating dialog within the design community and the City of Louisville. No specific intent is meant to be conveyed through presentation of more images from a specific entry over another - We simply uploaded what content we received which could work within our website framework. Please note also that some media we received was not independently labeled with entry number. These entries have been grouped in the "other entries" category. Please direct any questions or comments regarding specific entries via the "contact us" link above. Entries are numbered per the entrant's original assigned entry number, To look up specific entrant's information, please click the button at the left for a roster of entrants. Thanks for looking and a gracious thank you goes out to all of the entrants. |
2014 AIA-CSI Trade Fair International Design Competition Roster