Holiday Party - December 8th, 2022, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
The Palm Room
1821 W Jefferson St, Louisville, KY, 40203
Please, register for this event at
(This event is free for allied members, use AIA CKC member option when registering)
Holiday Party is organized by AIA Central Kentucky Chapter & CSI Louisville Chapter. We depend on your generosity. Infinite thanks for supporting us!
Secure your desired level of sponsorship via Eventbrite here:
Once your Eventbrite process is completed, please send us an email with your company information and your contact name to coordinate additional details.
Presenting Sponsor - 1 Available - $1,000.00
- The main sponsor for the event
- 4-minute presentation opportunity at event
- A banner or sign for their company may be displayed at check-in counter (sign provided by company)
- Logo on flyer and event distribution prior to event; logo and recognition at the event
- $100 gift card raffled off in their name
Gold Sponsor - 1 of 3 Available - $500.00
- Logo on flyer and event distribution prior to event; logo and recognition at the event
- A banner or sign for their company may be displayed at check-in counter (sign provided by company)
- $50 gift card raffled off in their name
Silver Sponsor - 2 of 3 Available - $100.00
- Logo on flyer and event distribution prior to event; logo and recognition at the event
- A banner or sign for their company may be displayed at check-in counter (sign provided by company)
Bar Sponsor - 2 Available - $400.00
- Logo on drink tickets and signage at the bar.
Raffle Gifts - Multiple Available - $70
- May provide a gift card, gift basket, or other festive holiday gift to be raffled off to attendees
The Palm Room
1821 W Jefferson St, Louisville, KY, 40203
Please, register for this event at
(This event is free for allied members, use AIA CKC member option when registering)
Holiday Party is organized by AIA Central Kentucky Chapter & CSI Louisville Chapter. We depend on your generosity. Infinite thanks for supporting us!
Secure your desired level of sponsorship via Eventbrite here:
Once your Eventbrite process is completed, please send us an email with your company information and your contact name to coordinate additional details.
Presenting Sponsor - 1 Available - $1,000.00
- The main sponsor for the event
- 4-minute presentation opportunity at event
- A banner or sign for their company may be displayed at check-in counter (sign provided by company)
- Logo on flyer and event distribution prior to event; logo and recognition at the event
- $100 gift card raffled off in their name
Gold Sponsor - 1 of 3 Available - $500.00
- Logo on flyer and event distribution prior to event; logo and recognition at the event
- A banner or sign for their company may be displayed at check-in counter (sign provided by company)
- $50 gift card raffled off in their name
Silver Sponsor - 2 of 3 Available - $100.00
- Logo on flyer and event distribution prior to event; logo and recognition at the event
- A banner or sign for their company may be displayed at check-in counter (sign provided by company)
Bar Sponsor - 2 Available - $400.00
- Logo on drink tickets and signage at the bar.
Raffle Gifts - Multiple Available - $70
- May provide a gift card, gift basket, or other festive holiday gift to be raffled off to attendees